Epiphany and the cake of kings in Provence

As everywhere in France on January 6th or the second Sunday after Christmas we celebrate the Epiphany in Provence which is part of the cycle of calendar holidays

Page updated on 12/02/2019

As everywhere in France on January 6th or the second Sunday after Christmas we celebrate the Epiphany in Provence which is part of the calendar holidays cycle. Guided by the shepherd's star, the three Wise Men arrived to the Child Jesus this day to deposit their offerings there.

In Provence the Epiphany celebrates with the cake of kings topped with delicious candied fruits and on the same day the three santons representing the Magi are placed in the nursery near the Infant-Jesus...

The cake of kings

Finely perfumed with orange blossom and the shape of a wreath, the cake of kings is covered with candied fruit and sprinkled with sugar...

We find candied fruits of our sunny terroir, slices of melon, cherries, apricots, plums... as well as slices of candied oranges.

These fruits represent the offerings made by the Wise Men to the Child Jesus.

Selon la tradition on placera dans le gâteau une fève qui permettra de désigner le roi.

En Provence certains ajouteront un sujet en céramique ou porcelaine en plus de la fève qu’on appellera un «santon». Pour tirer les rois, le plus jeune de la tablée se place sous la table et attribue chaque part de gâteau. Celui qui a la chance de trouver la fève dans sa part est nommé roi et portera la couronne, le sujet quand à lui revient à la reine. C'est le roi qui achètera le prochain gâteau.

This gourmet tradition can last almost a month in Provence, it will end in February when the Candeleur celebrates.

To accompany your cake of kings, nothing like a delicious white wine muscat petit grains du Luberon...

The Muscat Wine of the Luberon

AuDomaine de la Royèreà Oppède, versant nord du Luberon leMuscat Blanc petit grainsest cultivé de la même manière que le fameux Muscat de Beaumes de Venise dont le terroir est situé à environ 50 km au nord du Luberon.

Le muscat blanc moelleux du domaine est obtenu grâce à une vinification différente de celle du Beaumes de Venise. Elle permet de produire un vin moins titré en sucre etmoins liquoreux qu'un vin muscat classique. En dégustation, il développe des arômes de miel, abricot sec, pèche de vigne et litchi en finale...

The Vin Muscat du Luberon will match perfectly with your cake of kings.

To finish our article on the traditions of Epiphany in Provence, we invite you to discover a must-see place in Provence:

L’Hôtel d’Agarà Cavaillon où plus de250 personnages de crèches et santonsforment un ensemble exceptionnel et unique au monde. Sans parler des nombreuses peintures, gravures, sculptures, documents d'époque et objets d'art populaire venant éclairer notre compréhension des pratiques de l'époque.

The nurseries of the Hotel d "Agar

Every year the popular enthusiasm for the Provencal and Neapolitan nurseries of the Hôtel d'Agar is confirmed and intensified. For this 17th edition, the association has chosen to invite the photographer Emeric Lhuisset. He will present you a series of unpublished photographs. His images will tell us about the plight of migrants, fleeing the conflict zones ravaging the Middle East, in search of a land of asylum. This geopolitical situation will be an opportunity for us to compare with the iconographic theme of the flight to Egypt. Unpublished images of the Holy Family escaping on a boat to escape the massacre will be revealed to you.

Guided tours every day at 3 pm until 4 February 2018.

Tarif: 8 € (gratuit pour les -18ans).

Practical information on Epiphany and the cake of kings in Provence

Opening times and periods

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