What is the difference in the recipes of the Gibassier and the Pompe à Huile?
Some will be tempted to answer, none! In both cases we find flour, sugar and the inevitable olive oil of Provence... And yet, the Gibassier and the Pompe à Huile are two very different specialities in the eyes of the locals! In fact, the Provençals themselves may not agree... We tried to find out more about them.
Focus on the Gibassier
The Gibassier is found in particular in Lourmarin! It is a hard and crumbly cake that looks a bit like a shortbread cake. The dough of the Gibassier is not leavened, which makes it drier and explains its texture. Some people flavour it with aniseed and orange blossom, but again, each recipe is different... In Lourmarin, for example, only olive oil gives the Gibassier its aroma. Another particularity of the Gibassier is its slightly bulging shape on top, a reference to its name which comes from the Provençal word "giba" meaning "bump". The "Gibassière" was also the bag carried by shepherds and hunters in which they transported the famous biscuit.
Focus on the Pompe à huile
Let's move on to the Oil Pump! Like the Gibassier, this is a flat bread, elongated and slashed several times. The major difference lies in its texture! Unlike the Gibassier, the Pompe à Huile is soft and airy. Also flavoured with orange blossom, it is eaten like a brioche. For the record, the name Pompe à Huile comes from the tradition in Provence of pouring flour into the oil vats to pump out the olive oil left at the bottom.
If you were still in doubt, you can now see more clearly the difference between the Gibassier and the Pompe à Huile. If you go for a walk in Provence, you may come across other versions, so go the eternal debates on our local specialities. All you have to do is taste them to make your choice, for that we invite you to visit the local bakers!
And for the connoisseurs, let us know if you prefer Gibassier or Pompe à Huile!
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